Wednesday, April 9, 2014

ARG Promotion

This was my first attempt at a polygon image. It was used to promote an event for a project I'm currently working on. There were some adjustments in text color, typeset, and layout later, but unfortunately I don't have a file that will work on blogger for some reason. Sorry. So, I pasted a screenshot of the final below. Thanks to Melissa Manwill for the help.

Thursday, March 20, 2014

Sci-Fi Peter Pan

This was a homework assignment. The theme was to do a scene from Peter Pan, but sci-fi. I took the lost boys and imagined up their hide out.

Friday, February 21, 2014

Monday, February 17, 2014

Comic strip

For this assignment we had to take a scene from Star Wars and turn it into a 5-panel comic. I used a scene from The Empire Strikes Back.

Tuesday, February 11, 2014

More homework

Here are a couple homework assignments from a Figure Drawing class. Each image had some wacky concept that my professor would make up.

Captain America Viking-ish style

If I were a supposed character from Green Lantern I would be Brother Hymn

The Snake Men from He-Man, when they were teenager punks

A scene from LOTR

A rendition of the classic NES game, Bubble Bobble

Wednesday, February 5, 2014

Happy Birthday Ma

Since creating that first card for my friend's wedding, I've been having fun with more ideas. This one is for my Mom's birthday. Sorry for the poor image quality.

